vrijdag 5 april 2013

When the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts~mumford & sons

I'm a sufferer

my hands hurt, they are tied with a rope.
as you can see,
but its my fault, I made a mistake.
this is my punishment,
this is my life.

I will help the birds

i hear the birds with their wings knocking on the petals.
They are agressive, and they are alone.
They are hungry but afraid.
So I climb on a ladder.
Get closer to my friends,
but they don't remember
and my life ends.

zaterdag 2 februari 2013

Don't lie to me, you lie to yourself only

when I'm awake
I think of my mistakes
when I'm asleep
it's about you I'm dreaming
my mind is like a prison
but I'm too weak to escape
and slowly,... I will die

vrijdag 1 februari 2013

it's an ending fairytale

there are three trees
there are 5 houses
there are 1 billion of flowers
but there's only 1 me
yeah,.. I'm unique
so deal with it__or leave me

zondag 27 januari 2013

the strongest spirit🌈

The strongest spirit
is the one who has not seen the evil
but who knows of
The strongest spirit
is a heart of gold
never feeling cold
The strongest spirit is a child in It's greatest happiness

not all constructions are equally firmly

En de stilte die er heerst,
Na het lijden is geweest.
Ik wacht op nieuwe hoop
Die waarschijnlijk is vervlogen
En dat allemaal...omdat jij hebt gelogen

vrijdag 18 januari 2013

sunny winter

No, it isn't summer,
It's a strange and strong wintersun.
Who will give hope on those who need it

portrait -light-experimence

There's a Life
And there's a story
We have chocolat
And mcflurrie
Lots of love from clement and charlis xxx

zondag 13 januari 2013

freedom may not be limited

A bird in a cage
The water in a sea
The feeling in our soul
And especially, a human and his earth

vrijdag 4 januari 2013

hope is far far away

Dear hope,I miss you     Dear hope,I need you
Dear hope,
you are me,
give me myself back,
hopefully in the perception of my words
and that i may live again!
because I'm searching you for so long
mayby the mirror in front of my eyes,...
needs to be broken

falling with eyes toward heaven

death isn't forever,
because only the strongest is forever
and I think life,love,hope,happiness,...
are so much stronger.,...

donderdag 3 januari 2013

Firework is another thing that means second chances

people are the most hatefull things in the world,
so everyone makes mistakes.
some are little, some are big.
but who would i be if i don't make mistakes?
I think i would be so borring,nobody loves me,...
So we make mistakes now,only for better acts in the future